How long does it take to drown?

Arthur E. Benjamin
1 min readDec 31, 2021

The answer will shock you! Arthur Benjamin Palm Beach, drowning awareness advocate and founder of Action to End Drowning, shares the startling reality of how quickly a child can drown:

A drowning incident can happen in an instant. As Arthur Benjamin has shared previously, that instant can come suddenly and without warning. But do you know how quickly it actually happens? Well, according to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia: it only takes 20 seconds for a child to drown.

Although this statistic may be shocking to some, it comes as no surprise to someone like Arthur Benjamin. A philanthropist who has made it his primary cause to promote the warning signs of drowning and ways to prevent these events, Benjamin knows all too well how quickly these tragedies can take place. This serves as yet another reminder to parents and family members that you must always keep your eyes on your children when they are near a body of water — no matter how big or how small!



Arthur E. Benjamin

Arthur Benjamin Palm Beach Philanthropist & Entrepreneur, recently launched nonprofit: Action to End Drowning.